Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
Welcome to the Jungle!
Welcome to The SpiderMonkey Junkie podcast! In this episode, host Tim Buwick explains why this show exists. Our goal each week is to make this a place where you will be equipped, encouraged and enlightened with practical career and life advice seasoned with entertaining stories…while helping you create, communicate, and then connect your unique story to all who need to hear it.
You'll find out a bit about Tim and what brought him to this podcast mic. You'll also learn why this show is called The SpiderMonkey Junkie, and most importantly...why you should take on the attributes of this most unusual jungle creature.
Learn more about your occasionally lovable host at:
Instagram: @timbuwick
Email Tim at tim@timbuwick.com
Website: www.timbuwick.com
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @timbuwick
Topics covered in this podcast are often found in more detail in Tim Buwick's book, Blase 2 ABLAZE: How to Turn your Blahs into Ahhs to Ignite Passion & Purpose.
Available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Blas%C3%A9-ABLAZE-Ignite-Passion-Purpose-ebook/dp/B0B8WNMX7C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18WY1FVM2F4SC&keywords=tim+buwick&qid=1677196310&sprefix=tim+buwick%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1