Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
The Power of Persistence with Darcel Dillard Suite
What is one of the foundational pillars of success? In a word - Persistence. It is the force and the will to overcome all obstacles in the face of adversity to get what you want in life. In this episode, Darcel Dillard-Suite shares with us how she pushed through significant barriers as an African-American woman to reach a place of significance, fulfillment and joy. Darcel is an Executive Trainer, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Sports Social Work Consultant and Author. She is a founding member and co-president of Full Circle Health, and Executive Director of the not for profit, Full Circle Life Enrichment Center, both located in New York City.
You can learn more about Darcel at the following websites:
Email Tim at tim@timbuwick.com
Website: www.timbuwick.com
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @timbuwick
Topics covered in this podcast are often found in more detail in Tim Buwick's book, Blase 2 ABLAZE: How to Turn your Blahs into Ahhs to Ignite Passion & Purpose.
Available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Blas%C3%A9-ABLAZE-Ignite-Passion-Purpose-ebook/dp/B0B8WNMX7C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18WY1FVM2F4SC&keywords=tim+buwick&qid=1677196310&sprefix=tim+buwick%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1