Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
Blasé 2 ABLAZE Podcast
Gifts + Passion x Experience = Success with Kyle S. King
“You don’t have to go to an Ivy League school to become an Ivy League student.”
My guest in Episode 6 coined the phrase…because he has lived it. Kyle S. King has maximized the opportunities set before him in his 27 short years on earth. He is a father, a best-selling author, an educational advocate, and founder and Chief Executive Officer of the SHINE Institute headquartered in Charlotte, NC.
We cover a spectrum of issues in this remarkably wide-ranging interview. We talk about success principles, how to maximize your day, how to sleep better at night, the state of our educational system, the inequality of opportunity and racism in America from the perspective of an African American male. Yet this discussion focuses not so much on the problems…but the solutions. How do we make our lives…and our world…a better place?
My guest references the book Ikigai by Hector Garcia. You may buy the book by simply clicking this link:
Kyle S. King embodies this quote, “Everyone ends up somewhere. Few people end up somewhere on purpose. A visionary doesn’t just see an opportunity but seizes an opportunity. The difference between a daydreamer and a visionary is the audacity to act.”
Kyle will make you think, Kyle will inspire you…and Kyle will challenge you to do more, and to be more.
Learn more about Kyle S. King: Website: https://www.kylesking.com/ LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamkylesking/
Connect with Tim Buwick:
Tweet me: @timbuwick
Email me: tim@spidermonkeysolutions.com
Text me: 704-641-3309
My Websites:
Email Tim at tim@timbuwick.com
Website: www.timbuwick.com
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @timbuwick
Topics covered in this podcast are often found in more detail in Tim Buwick's book, Blase 2 ABLAZE: How to Turn your Blahs into Ahhs to Ignite Passion & Purpose.
Available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Blas%C3%A9-ABLAZE-Ignite-Passion-Purpose-ebook/dp/B0B8WNMX7C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18WY1FVM2F4SC&keywords=tim+buwick&qid=1677196310&sprefix=tim+buwick%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1